Osteopathic medicine emphasizes overall health and the relation among the body's nerves, muscles, bones, and organs. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners treat on the idea that the body's systems are interconnected. Instead of treating specific symptoms or illnesses, they regard and treat the body as an integrated whole. Osteopathic medicine focuses on disease prevention and health maintenance.
Osteopathy can provide relief and treatment for a wide range of conditions.
● Arthritis
● Foot, ankle, hip, and knee pain
● Back pain, neck pain, and sciatica
● Hand, shoulder, and elbow pain
● Headaches
● Tennis and golfer's elbow
● Postural problems due to pregnancy, sports injury, driving or work strain, or digestive issues
● Neuralgia
Osteopathic practitioners can also detect conditions that are not treatable through osteopathy, to refer patients to other specialists.
Chiropractic Care
Discover the difference that our chiropractic care may make in your health and life!
Osteopathic medicine emphasizes overall health and the relation among the body's nerves, muscles, bones, and organs. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners treat on the idea that the body's systems are interconnected. Instead of treating specific symptoms or illnesses, they regard and treat the body as an integrated whole. Osteopathic medicine focuses on disease prevention and health maintenance.
Osteopathy can provide relief and treatment for a wide range of conditions.
● Arthritis
● Foot, ankle, hip, and knee pain
● Back pain, neck pain, and sciatica
● Hand, shoulder, and elbow pain
● Headaches
● Tennis and golfer's elbow
● Postural problems due to pregnancy, sports injury, driving or work strain, or digestive issues
● Neuralgia
Osteopathic practitioners can also detect conditions that are not treatable through osteopathy, to refer patients to other specialists.
Caledon East Family Chiropractic
15891 Airport Rd, Caledon East, ON L7C 1J3, Canada
Phone: 905-584-2250
Copyright 2025 Caledon East Family Chiropractic
Caledon East Family Chiropractic
15891 Airport Rd, Caledon East, ON L7C 1J3, Canada
Phone: 905-584-2250